PDA - Pathological Demand Avoidance
This section contains information and links to support families, carers and Schools with a child with Autism and Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA). If you have any further information please let me know and I will add it.
Children with PDA also have a diagnosis of Autism, PDA is a very specific subset of Autism, here are some tips to help to support the learning of a child with PDA:
Reduce demands
Ignore extreme behaviour, just carry on as if nothing is happening
Give clear reasons for non negotiable boundaries
Use negotiation, collaboration and flexibility
Use indirect commands such e.g. Maybe we could, lets investigate
Don't use terms such as you have to, you need to
Get them to teach - can you help me? will you show me?
Have quiet zones and relaxation techniques
Offer controlled choices e.g. shall we do English or Maths first?
Use social stories to talk about changes
Use visual timetables, now and then boards (check the tools page)
Use puzzles and mysteries to keep them interested, tap into their interests
Avoid confrontation
Be flexible what works one day might not work the next
Useful information sources
National Autistic Society (autism.org.uk)
Home Page - Autism East Midlands
Ambitious about Autism | National charity for children and young people with autism
PDA Society – Pathological Demand Avoidance – Part of the Autism Spectrum