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Children Playing Outdoor

Sources of Infomation

This section contains links to useful sources of information and resources if you have any further information please let me know and I will add it.


Supporting information for Parents or Carers with a Child or Young Person attending Private Independent Schools (Non Section 41 Schools) Information pack











Attendance and SEND * Emotionally based avoidance version


information on the rules and guidance around attendance for children and young people who are struggling to attend school










Autism & PDA


National Autistic Society (


Home Page - Autism East Midlands



Ambitious about Autism | National charity for children and young people with autism


PDA Society – Pathological Demand Avoidance – Part of the Autism Spectrum





ADHD Foundation


Support Groups | The UK ADHD Partnership


​Online Resources | ADHD Virtual Help (




Home | Living with ADHD



EHCP's Educational and Health Care Plans


Derby's SEND Local Offer | Derby City Council


Derbyshire's Local Offer

Welcome to the Derbyshire Directory - Derbyshire County Council


(IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice


Special Needs Jungle - News, info, resources & informed opinion about Special Educational Needs, disability, children’s physical and mental health, rare disease. Campaigning to #FixSEND


Derby SEND | Information & Advice Support Service (SENDIASS) (


Welcome to the Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND - Derbyshire Information, Advice & Support Service for SEND (


Speech and language 


I CAN, the children's communication charity


Afasic – Voice for Life



Free postal library service for SEN books and resources


Cerebra - Working with you and your amazing child



Disability Grants and Funds


Grants for Children and Young People (



Local Support Groups


Umbrella – Empowering Disabled Children, Young Adults And Their Families


Hands Typing
Open Workspace
Typing on a Computer
Businessman on Phone
Informational Interview
On the Phone
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