Virtual Tours
This section contains links to useful sources of information and resources if you have any further information please let me know and I will add it.
Virtual Tours to enjoy:
Virtual tours: Buckingham Palace | The Royal Family
Experience Virtual Great Wall of China in Virtual Reality. (youvisit.com)
Virtual Field Trip to the San Diego Zoo - We Are Teachers
first friday facebook live Archives - New England Aquarium (neaq.org)
British Museum, London, United Kingdom — Google Arts & Culture
360 tour of Tate Modern | Tate
Virtual tours | Visiting | National Gallery, London
Virtual tours (museivaticani.va)
29 of the Best Virtual Zoos and Live Cams in the World - (familybreakfinder.co.uk)
Lots of online webcams
Brown Bear Cam - Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park | Explore.org
These websites include many more virtual tour opportunities for children of all ages
Virtual Field Trips - Freedom Homeschooling
The Unlikely Homeschool: 50+ Virtual Field Trips to Take When You're Stuck at Home