Relaxation & Mindfulness
This section contains links to useful sources of information and resources if you have any further information please let me know and I will add it.
The following websites are provide information and activities on Relaxation and Mindfulness:
Helping children to understand - Art Therapy videos
@Facebook - helping children to understand, Friday at 10.00
Sesame Street Monster Meditation #1: I-Sense with Cookie Monster and Headspace - YouTube
Inclusive African Adventure Yoga for Children and families, with Makaton - YouTube
Free Resources | website (
Coping Calendar
10 Calming Breathing Techniques for Kids - The Inspired Treehouse
Rainbow Breath - Flow | GoNoodle - YouTube
Non-contact calming strategies for the classroom 28May2020 - YouTube
Whole hearted school counselling @ facebook
Free Mindfulness breathing video - Hot Coco
NHS recommended sites for adults, teenagers and children to support their mental health and well-being
Showing results for: "Mental health" - NHS (
Personal Growth for Families - Moments A Day
​Yoga at home (